
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Newsletter 6 is now available to read on the website as is the OLOG Times Autumn Edition! Spring term begins for children on Tuesday 7th January.

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Contact Details


Headteacher: Mr S McGrath

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School
Dollis Hill Lane

Telephone: 020 8450 6002






Co Chairs of Governors:

Mr P Keane

Ms M Cooper


Contact via the school office.

All queries should initially be directed to Mrs. James in the school office. 


For any matters concerning safeguarding please contact our  Designated Safeguarding Lead who is

Mrs Hart.  She can be contacted  by calling the office (during term time) or emailing (including outside of school hours or during the holidays)

The school's Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is

Mrs Hart who can be contacted on the telephone number above.



Our Data Protection Officer is:

Matthew Lantos

0203 846 3788


A paper copy of all information from our website can be printed off in our school office on request.

Contact Us!
