
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Newsletter 17 is now available on the website for parents/carers to read. School will finish on Friday 19th July at 1.45pm. OLOG Times Summer Edition is now available to read!

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School Council

Meet OLOG School Council for 2023!

6M: Emanuel & Olivia M, 6K: Patrick & Skye, 5I: Cassie & Victoria, 5M: Radvilas & Rosie, 4J: Emmanuela & Dayshanaea, 4M: Rylan & Scarlett, 3S: Xia & Sara, 3L: Sumiko & Elijah.


Here you will find any upcoming projects or ideas we are working on, brief minutes from important meetings, updates on events held and much more..... We listen to our peers and adults around us, using our pupil voice to support and enhance our school!

We have been busy selling daffodils & raising money for Marie Curie this week - please continue to support us in donations for daffodils after the half term until 1st March.

School Council Meeting 7 


Thursday 1st February 2024


Charity work - Marie Curie


PowerPoint has been made & all school council members have presented to their class today. We will begin selling as stated on Monday 5th February 2024 until Friday 1st March 2024. The daffodil badges will be £1 a badge and sold at breaktimes by school council members only. Children may buy a maximum of 5 badges totalling £5 but no more money must be spent. We hope to raise lots of money to support Marie Curie as they work hard to support nurses and hospitals to give patients in need of treatment or help the care they need. Please support us in sales by bringing money to school to buy your daffodils. 

School Council Meeting 6 


Monday 29th January 2024


Charity work 


We have discussed possibly charities to support in school and have decided after the success of Mini Vinnies selling poppies and the nature of the charity; we would like to support Marie Curie in selling daffodils for all in the school to wear. School Council members will present a PowerPoint to each of their classes and we will begin selling on Monday 5th February 2024 at breaktimes on the yard. More details to follow in next meeting.

School Council Meeting 5 


Tuesday 23rd January 2024


Sports Equipment updated review


Sports equipment requested has arrived. We have assessed the equipment and are happy for all equipment to be put into use by sports leaders. We have created a list of suggested games that pupils of OLOG Juniors can play with the equipment to remain safe and stay active. We have also considered that the sheltered areas could become 'calm corners' however, think this would be more appropriate as warmer weather approaches as the possibility of chalk and smaller games could be used. We have asked Mr McGrath to review this suggestion. 

School Council Meeting 4 


Wednesday 17th January 2024


Sport playground equipment review


We have discussed the sports equipment for PE and break/lunch time playtime outside. We feel that as a school we should provide more equipment to facilitate healthy and safe participation in sports and games outside. With statement from Mr McGrath, he agrees and has approved us funding to choose new sports equipment for break times. PE equipment is also being reviewed and will be updated. We have decided a list of equipment to send to Mr McGrath for approval. 

School Council Meeting 3 


Monday 11th December 2023


Christmas Film Night Raffle


Continued selling raffle tickets - spoke about effective ways to sell the tickets and ensure that all have equal opportunity in the school to buy. 

Discussed more prizes due to popularity and arranged that in the New Year we will look to review policies and begin other improvements in the school and charity work TBC.

School Council Meeting 2 


Monday 7th December 2023


Christmas Film Night on Monday 18th December & Raffle


Film choice will be chosen via voting taking place in each classroom (Winner was Home Alone PG).

Snacks will be in line with healthy schools policy providing a hot-dog or cheese roll with popcorn and juice. 

Raffle prizes will be teddy bears, games and sweets/chocolates. 

£1 per strip for tickets only - raising money for charity & the school sold until 18/12/23 morning by school council members. 

Winners will be drawn at the film night - 3 prize bundles to be won. 

School Council Meeting 1 


Friday 17th November 2023


What do school council plan to do this term? How can we make ourselves known?


Discussed how we can make ourselves known in the classrooms and become a familiar face for our peers to turn to and use their pupil voice. Using our voice to engage in meaningful conversations with peers and adults about the best interests of the school.

We have decided that we will plan the school Christmas film night, chocolate raffle, begin discussing the British values and topic reviews of the schools curriculum in this coming half-term. 




School Boxes - Share your thoughts! Use your voice!

If you have any ideas, queries or comments please feel free to find us and let us know. We would also like to draw your attention to our special boxes. These boxes can be found outside the hall. If you have a problem, a suggestion or want to praise someone for their efforts, please don't be shy and write on the paper provided and we will check them!




If you have a worry, put it in the worry box.


If you have any bright ideas, put them in the bright ideas box.


  Parents, if you have a suggestion, please feel free to put it into the suggestion box!


We have started to work with our children to create child friendly versions of our school policies. Below you will find  our child friendly behaviour policy and our child friendly equalities policy.  They have been written using easy language for children to understand.
