
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Newsletter 8 is now available to read on the website. The governors welcome your views on the proposed uniform changes by replying to

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Learning in the Community

At Our Lady of Grace school, we are committed to helping children learn in many different ways.  In addition to classroom based learning, all year groups have the opportunity to extend their learning during educational visits throughout the year.  Some recent examples are visits to Handel House by current year six children to work with musicians and other schools on baroque music, our school choir visited and performed at Wembley in the Brent Music Choir competition and year three visit the London Zoo with great excitement to support their learning about animals.  Some children were offered the opportunity to visit Westminster Cathedral for a special Advent Service.

We also have very close links with local secondary schools and some of the Year 6 children have recently visited St Gregorys for both Science and Maths lessons.  Other opportunities for learning in the community include visits to the Welsh Harp Educational Centre.  

Throughout the year there are a large number of occasions when individuals or companies are invited into the school for workshops, assemblies or themed days to further the children's learning.  Recent examples include a Tudor day, a Victorian day, a workshop about safety for Years 3 and 4 and a visit from St Josephs Pastoral Centre to coincide with our 'Disability Awareness Week'.  
