
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Newsletter 17 is now available on the website for parents/carers to read. School will finish on Friday 19th July at 1.45pm. OLOG Times Summer Edition is now available to read!

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Year 3


Our Lady of Grace Junior School

Love, Opportunity, Growth


Dear Parents & Carers,


We would like to warmly welcome you to our Year 3 team. Our team include Mrs Sloan and Miss Lloyd-Thomas, who are the two class teachers. Mrs Navarro and Mrs Marshall will assist in supporting the children in all areas of their learning while Mrs Kevane will continue to teach French, Music and Computing.  Mrs Jones and Mrs Hart also teach in Year 3. Year 3 is an exciting and challenging year and we are very enthusiastic about the year ahead. It may be useful to have some information regarding routine, expectations and home learning.



Reading is a very important part of your child’s development and is a key indicator of success later in life. In Year 3 the expectations are very high and all children should be reading every day for at least 20 minutes at home. It is important that children develop their comprehension skills as well as their ability to decode words and read fluently. Therefore it is important to ask your child questions about their reading to confirm their understanding of a text. Your child should be completing detailed entries in their reading record nightly to reflect what they have read and understood that day.


Key Facts

It is very important that children develop a quick recall of their key mathematical facts in order to carry out a range of calculations quickly and accurately. All children in Year 3 should be able to fluently recall their multiplication facts and the related division facts with speed. This will help them to prepare for the National end of Year 4 times tables test in June 2025. Please ensure these are practised regularly.



The children will be set homework twice a week and this is designed to support and develop their learning in school. It is essential that all homework is completed to a high standard and is handed in on time.

English and Maths homework:  This is set on Monday and is due on Friday. English homework consists of either a reading comprehension activity or a grammar, punctuation and spelling activity. Maths homework consists of an online MyMaths activity based on the weekly Maths topic.

Spelling: The children will be given a set of spellings every Monday to be practised throughout the week for a test on Friday.

Weekend Homework: This is set on Friday and will either cover RE, Topic or Science. This should be handed back on the following Monday.



Please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit and trainers every Tuesday and Friday for PE lessons.



We hope that your child has a successful and enjoyable year in Year 3 and we look forward to working with you more closely,


Miss Lloyd-Thomas and Mrs Sloan


YEAR 3 CLUBS: Clubs run from 3.15 - 4.15

Year 3  are Reading Wizards! 


To complete our Year 3 Reading Challenge, we need to read twelve books from the Reading Challenge Box.  Look out for these books as they have special stickers. There are a selection of books from different authors and different genres.

If we succeed and read all twelve, we will be presented with a certificate and badge at the end of the year.  If any of the books are too challenging, then they can be shared at home as a family book. Look at the Year 3 badge below. 


Key Facts Sheets & Sites to support your child.



It is also incredibly important that the children have times in the day where they can relax. Please use the link below for different activities that use music, art and crafts and some PE games and also some morning and evening meditations.

More Circus Skills fun!

Art building our own architecture using lollipop sticks and clay - lots of fun and very creative.

Robot teacher week - LEX came to visit and teach us, she broke & we helped fix her and escape to freedom! Yay for LEX

Poetry workshops for creative writing

Science Experiment - looking at shadows throughout the day.

Circus Skills Week Fun for 3L :)

Year 3's trip to the Science Museum

3L's Art & DT work

3L's Assembly for Eco week

World book Day 2024

3S's Lent Assembly

Creating Egyptian Papyrus in Art - 3L

Trip to the Welsh Harp (Rocks) - 3L

Welsh Harp Trip!

Storytelling Week

Performing poetry and stories to our class - 3L

Check out our Egyptian Collars!

Gymnastics in the hall for PE - 3L

Clay sphinx in Egyptian themed Art - 3L

Dancing in our PE lessons!

Planting our broad beans from Science into the Nature Garden - 3L

Growing Our Own Plants!

Sewing in DT Week

Remembrance Day and 3S's Assembly

Harvest Assembly - 3L

Creating 3D shapes in Maths - 3L

Hot seating Mr Wolf in English - 3L

Stone Age Drama

Willesden Library Trip

Sewing project for DT creating keyrings - 3L

Class 3L :) 2024

We are ALL Unique- Celebrating Anti- Bullying Week

Join us for Collective Worship

Drama in The Nature Garden
