
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Newsletter 8 is now available to read on the website. The governors welcome your views on the proposed uniform changes by replying to

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Year 5

Dear Parents, Carers and Year 5 children,


We would like to kindly welcome you to our Year 5 team. Our team includes Miss Meredith and Miss Isaacs, who are the two class teachers. Mrs Navarro and Mr Yost will assist in supporting the children in all areas of their learning while Mrs Kevane will continue to teach French, Music and Computing. Year 5 is an exciting and challenging year and we are very enthusiastic about the year ahead. It may be useful to have some information regarding routine, expectations and home learning.


We will be updating the website on a regular basis for you to see all the wonderful work the children are producing and exciting lessons in which they are participating. For now, you are still able to see some of the activities from last year, but don't worry we will be replacing them as we progress through the year. 



Reading is a very important part of your child’s development and is a key indicator of success later in life. In Year Five the expectations are very high and all children should be reading every day for at least 20 to 30 minutes at home. It is important that children develop their comprehension skills as well as their ability to decode words and read fluently. Therefore, it is important to ask your child questions about their reading to confirm their understanding of a text. Your child should be completing detailed entries in their reading record nightly to reflect what they have read and understood that day.


Key Facts

It is very important that children develop a quick recall of their key mathematical facts in order to carry out a range of calculations quickly and accurately. All children in Year 5 should be able to fluently recall their multiplication facts (1-12) and the related division facts with speed. Please ensure these are practised regularly. 



The children will be set homework three times a week and this is designed to support and develop their learning in school. It essential that all homework is completed to a high standard and is handed in on time. 


Spellings homework: Children are expected to spend the week learning their spellings which are set on Monday along with the English homework. The children will be tested on their spellings on Friday morning. This is accessible on Teams.

English homework:  this is set on Monday and is due on Wednesday. English homework usually consists of a reading comprehension activity or SPaG activity.

Maths homework: this is set on Wednesday and is due on Friday. Maths homework consists of online MyMaths activities and at times there may be a supporting task.

Weekend homework: this is set on Friday and is due in on Monday. Weekend homework usually consists of a reading activity or a research task related to the children's Topic, Science, RE or wider learning.



To be ready for their PE lessons, children must wear their PE kit on the following day to school.
Children must not wear earrings on PE days. 

5M: Every Friday. 5M will attend swimming lessons on Tuesdays. Children may wear their PE kit. 

5I: Every Monday and Friday.


After School Clubs

These run from 3.15 - 4.15 beginning Monday 9th September 2024.
Children can be collected from the Main office of the school at 4.15.


For Year 5 in the Autumn Term, we offer:

Monday: Choir (13 sessions)

Tuesday: Football (13 sessions)
Wednesday: Netball (13 sessions) 
Friday: Basketball (12 sessions)


We hope that your child has a successful and enjoyable year in Year 5 and we look forward to working with you more closely.


Miss Meredith and Miss Isaacs.

Maths Key Facts Sheet

Mindfulness and PSHE


We are Designers

We are using a foundation of learning from our year 4 topic as a successful platform for our year 5 media work.  This term we are creating vector shapes.  We are learning efficient methods of copying, duplicating, resizing, rotating and grouping 2D shapes.  Additionally, we are developing our observational skills so that next we can combine all these skills to create our own vectors. 

Vectors on the theme of the Magic Flute

Year 5 are Linguists

Still image for this video
We have listened to a traditional tale in French and have used the vocabulary to inspire our own stories about a picnic.

Picnic Stories Part 2

Still image for this video

Practice French here.  Click on the picture.

Year 5 loved their trip to the National Theatre to see Ballet Shoes!

Year 5 in their 'Conflict Resolution and Emotions' workshop.

5I had a wonderful time in their workshop with the National Theatre!

5I wearing and designing Christmas jumpers!

Year 5 were lucky enough to have a visit from the London Fire Brigade!

5I loved their trip to the Apple Store to create movie trailers!

5I creating clay tiles, inspired by Islamic art and architecture.

5I practising their story telling skills!

5I wearing odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week!

5M wearing odd socks for Anti-Bullying Day!

Year 5 having a great time travelling to the cinema!

5I creating their abstract art!

5M Creating Abstract Art!

5I editing and improving their English work with their green pens!

Some of 5M's Avatars from our Online Safety Lessons

5M Enjoying an Online Opera Lesson!

Year 5 Enjoying a Black History Month Workshop, learning about the life of Nelson Mandela

5M's Autumn DT Project! We made Cam Toy mechanisms!

5M Working on our Times Tables!

5M's Clay Tiles in the style of Islamic Art & Architecture

Christmas Jumper Day for 5M!

Year 5 were lucky enough to take part in a Theatre Workshop in preparation for our trip to the National Theatre to watch Ballet Shoes. 

They had an amazing time learning about the many roles within the theatre - in just a short morning, Year 5 were set designers, costume designers, dancers, music supervisors and dancers!

Here are just some pictures of the wonderful activities.

5M Ballet Shoes National Theatre Workshop

Year 5 have been thinking about the Catholic Social Teaching principle - Solidarity and Peace.
