
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

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Tidying up the garden! 🌿🌱

Our Eco Committee 🌱

We are thrilled to announce that our school has been awarded the Green Flag Award with Distinction, an honour that recognises our outstanding commitment to environmental sustainability. This exceptional achievement reflects the collective efforts of our students, staff, and especially our dedicated Eco Team, whose tireless work and enthusiasm have been instrumental in reaching this milestone. Receiving the distinction is a significant and prestigious accomplishment, and we are overjoyed to have achieved it. Thank you to our Eco Team for their dedication and the free time they gave up to make a positive impact on our environment. Your passion and hard work have truly made a difference and set a shining example for our entire school community. This award not only celebrates our achievements but also inspires us all to continue striving for a greener, more sustainable future.


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In September, Dawn Butler MP visited us to officially open the redeveloped Eco Garden. The whole school, including pupils and teachers from other local schools within our community of schools, The All Saints’ Trust, gathered in the garden for Dawn Butler to cut the red ribbon. The MP led the pupils in a loud countdown and even joined in the singing of β€˜All Things Bright and Beautiful.’ It was a super celebration.

Our Final Crop of the Year!!

Clean Air Brent - Walk to School Map!

Our Eco Code 🌱🌿🌳✨

Our new environmental garden signs!!

Gardening Club have been working hard planting, watering and weeding and finally picking!! Thank you Mrs Ashley for your incredible dedication! πŸŒ±πŸƒπŸ₯•

Cut Your Carbon week!!

Environmental Trips in Year 3 and Year 4!

🌟🏫 Our students are making a difference! We rented litter pickers and took to the streets to tidy up our community. Every little bit helps in keeping our neighbourhood clean and beautiful. Let's continue to take pride in our surroundings! 🌍πŸ’ͺ

🐸🌿 Exciting news from our Eco Team! 🦎 Today, we went pond dipping and discovered some amazing newts! Say hello to our newest school recruits πŸΎπŸ†• Let's give them a warm welcome as they join our school's diverse ecosystem.

Tiding the Eco Garden!

Eco Assemblies!

The RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch at Gladstone park!

'Cleaning' up our garden by raking the leaves!

Crowning the new Eco garden with our creation!

Making Christmas wreaths from plants in the school!

The Eco Team have been trying to persuade us all to help our families cut those pesky energy bills. Here are our posters!

The Eco Garden is back up and running! We are working as a school to ensure that we look after our garden, under the guidance of our Eco Committee!

Why not take a look at our fantastic planting skills in action...

We are Environmentalists

Gardening Club!


Making our own compostable plant pots and planting pea shoots in them.



Ollie came back to deliver the results in an assembly. The area with the highest pollution level was actually at the back of the school in St Andrew's Close. We think the front entrance is protected by the 'green wall' of shrubbery and trees. The lowest level of pollution was found in Willow View which is our newest building and built with eco- friendly credentials. In order to lower our pollution levels further, we are going to put up some anti-idling signs outside the school to request that drivers turn off their engines. Please also remember not to park or drive up st Andrew's Close. Thank -you!

Clear Air Project


Our Eco Committee is currently working with a Sustainable Transport Consultant, Oli Ivens, on behalf of Brent Council to monitor and attempt to improve the quality of the air that we are breathing around the school. Oli visited us and delivered a very informative assembly. He explained that the project will help to address London’s air quality crisis as part of the solution is to educate young people about the issue. By testing the air quality at several locations in our school, we can develop a detailed understanding of air pollution, and recommend measures to Brent Council that can mitigate air pollution exposure, such as green screens and traffic reduction measures. The Eco Committee placed eight test tubes in different locations around the school and these will be analysed in six weeks when we will know the pollution hotspots. We will keep you informed of the findings and developments.







Garden is blooming!

Summer additions to our Eco Garden.

Please help reduce plastic in our school.

How to prepare a waste free lunch!

School Litter Policy


During March we have been participating in Waste Week. As an Eco School, we take our responsibility to reduce, reuse and recycle seriously. 3M led a fantastic assembly on our commitment to this as stewards of God’s creation. The pupils have been enjoying activities lead by the Eco Team who have also been busy on a litter pick. We welcomed Phil from Go Green who has led workshops for every class as well as presenting an assembly. Some of these workshops involved visiting our environmental garden and others focused on finding new uses for recyclable materials. 

Keen bean gardeners harvesting crops. Radishes, tomatoes, carrots and broad beans.


Keen gardeners have been very busy planting veggies for the kitchen and for sale. No one minds getting grubby hands in this school. Thanks to all who have been very supportive in purchasing produce. All proceeds to Solar Schools.

Our School Garden.

The Gardening Club

On a cold December's morning, members of our school's Eco Committee and The Gardening Club came together to plant a copse for The National Woodland Trust. We planted 30 saplings, a mixture of Hawthorn, Dogwood, Hazel and Rowan.

Tree Planting Day! Hurrah!

Winter Time in the OLOG Garden.


The Gardening Club have planted onions and garlic in our raised beds. 


The Eco Team have been busy making the Environmental Garden a refuge for the cold winter months ahead. 


We have created habitats for birds, insects, frogs and hoglets.


We completed a litter pick in our lunch hour so that the animals have a safe home. 





The Gardening Club


The Gardening Club is in full swing this term. Two new raised beds have been built in the Horizon House Garden. We now have four, including the two older ones in The Environmental Garden. All have been weeded and planted with vegetables and flowers such as radishes, carrots, peas , beans, sunflowers and poppies. We have learnt about drilling, compost, raking soil and so much more!

We are now tackling The Grotto and creating a wonderful area to honour Our Lady. We have planted a new clematis to adorn her special case.

A new wormery has been installed in order to make our own compost.

We have now got rid of all bins in school and are fully recycling all our rubbish.


The Gardening Club has had a bounty of radishes this year. A true glut in fact. All our pupils have been tasting their peppery crispness and have become new fans of this sturdy vegetable. They have been served from the salad trolley every day for the last three weeks.