Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regulations came into force on 25th May 2018 and replaces the Data Protection Act 1998. The GDPR is designed to strengthen accountability for the safety and security of all data held by any organisation. Our policy documents were updated in June 2021 to reflect post Brexit updates.
The Governing Body of the school is the Data Controller.
The Data Protection Lead at the School is Mrs Kevane, who can be contacted at
The school has appointed an external Data Protection Officer, Matthew Lantos, who can be contacted at:
The following documents have been provided to all parents on entry to our school:
Parent or Carer Privacy Notice
Parents' Acceptable Use Policy
Consent Form Pupils - To withdraw your consent, or otherwise to amend your position, please write to Mrs Kevane, Data Protection Lead, at the School, or by email to:
Pupils Acceptable Use of Digital Services Policy
Privacy Notice, Use of your Child's Data to perform our tasks.
reviewed June 2024
Data Protection Notices
We updated our privacy notices July 2020 to include a statement covering the use of technology in support of school administration and teaching and in June 2021 to cover the updated GDPR legislation following the UK leaving the EU.