
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Newsletter 8 is now available to read on the website. The governors welcome your views on the proposed uniform changes by replying to

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At Our Lady of Grace Junior school we aim to inspire a love of Maths and as a staff and community we work closely together to provide curiosity and enthusiasm, building upon the skills from Year 3- Year 6 and beyond.


The 2014 National Curriculum for Maths aims to ensure that all children:


• Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics

• Are able to reason mathematically

• Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics


At Our Lady of Grace Junior School we combine these fundamental principles with a mastery. We aim to use clear mathematical language, rich and secure mathematical understanding and a concrete foundation for future learning. We are committed to ensure that each child recognises the importance of Maths in the wider world and how mathematical skills and knowledge can be used with confidence in real life contexts. The children are encouraged to work together, to explain, reason and justify their understanding while feeling supported to challenge themselves.


At the heart of our mastery approach is the idea that every child can achieve and we believe that nurturing this growth mindset will equip the children with skills to embrace life opportunities.




The mastery approach that Our Lady of Grace gives all of our children the opportunity to succeed. We use whole class teaching which encourages children to understand and master a concept before moving on to the next aspect of their learning. Our Maths lessons are designed to break down the National Curriculum into smaller and achievable steps of learning. This is supported by our Focus Maths scheme, Maths No Problem and complimented by the White Rose Resources- encouraging children to reason and problem solve which working independently.




Our school has a supportive ethos which looks to develop children’s collaborative and independent skills whilst recognising each child’s achievements and the achievements of others. Our growth mindset allows our children to understand that they can all achieve in Maths promoting both challenge and success in Maths. Our regular and ongoing assessment in Maths alongside the intervention, support and celebration of the children’s achievements through internal ‘Maths Awards’ which allow the children to Our Lady of Grace Junior School Maths Skills Ladder demonstrate their skills and understanding. These factors ensure that we maintain high standards in Maths and the achievement of our children at the end of KS2.



Expectations for Year Groups


There are high expectations for Maths at Our Lady of Grace Juniors. Please help your child to learn the facts that they need in their year group so that they can grow in confidence in the subject and be ready for the challenges of the next year group.

By the end of year 3, it is expected that all children know 2 – 5 and 10 times tables and their number bonds to ten and twenty mentally for quick recall (to use them to add to 100 and 200).

By the end of year 4, it is expected that all children are able to add mentally near multiples of 10 and 20 and know ALL their times tables by heart. Please help your child to learn them!

By the end of year 5, it is expected that all children are able to multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 100 and know decimal and percentage equivalents for common fractions. 

By the end of year 6, it is expected that all children are able to choose the correct operation for word problems and use their knowledge from all other years to solve a range of maths problems and investigations.  

Please see the Calcuations Policy below to explain how each operation is taught in each year group and also the Key Fact Sheet for each year group.

This can be particularly helpful when your child is doing homework!




Together we can make Maths fun!





Parent Meeting (31/1/24) about the Y4 Multiplication and Times Tables Check

Display Boards at OLOG

Video showing how to do Bus Stop Division

Still image for this video
This is the method children use in Year 5 and 6 when dividing by a single digit number.