
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Newsletter 6 is now available to read on the website as is the OLOG Times Autumn Edition! Spring term begins for children on Tuesday 7th January.

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Prayer Bags - Advent


This Advent, the children take turns each day to take home a prayer bag. The prayer bag offers an opportunity for families to come together at home in prayer and reflection during this special time of preparation.


Each prayer bag includes:

  • A purple cloth.
  • A candle.
  • A nativity scene.
  • Rosary beads.
  • Prayer journal.
  • Walk with Me - Prayer book.
  • An Advent prayer.
  • A holding cross.


The children have the opportunity to write their own prayer in the prayer journal which is then shared with the class the next morning.

OLOG Choir performed brilliantly for parishioners during their Christmas lunch!

Year 4 Trip to Westminster Cathedral


The Year 4s had a fantastic trip to Westminster Cathedral for the Catholic Children's Society Christmas Carol Service. The children really enjoyed singing the songs as Angel Penelope told the story of Christmas. They were particularly excited when an actual donkey and goat arrived to take part! We also had time to get a few pictures outside Buckingham Palace which we passed on the journey. Everybody had a fantastic time. A big thank you to all of the parents and staff who were able to help.

Diocesan Christmas Card Competition


The children were asked to create different designs to take part in the Diocesan Christmas card competition.


The theme this year is from Luke 2:8-15 and the children could focus on any aspect of this scripture: 


'And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.  An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.  But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”


We had so many fantastic entries but we were only able to send one entry from our school to the Diocese. Congratulations to Viktoria in 6K who was our winning entry to go to the Diocese. Please see the winning entry below and all of the other fantastic designs that were entered! Well done to everyone who took part!

Winning Entry - Viktoria 6K

Father Michael Visits Year 3 Collective Worship


As part of our Collective Worship this week 3S looked at Mark's Gospel reading of how Jesus will come again. We reflected on how we get ready for visitors and how we can get ready for Jesus. We looked explicitly at how the 'Fig Tree will teach us a lesson when it becomes green and tender' and linked this to our learning in Science. We discussed how God's power and beauty can be seen in the world around us. We planted seeds that we are going to look after in the coming weeks and months. As these seeds grow they will be a reminder that we need to ensure that we are doing everything in our power to be ready for the coming of Jesus, we can be kind to others, support charities and include others, even something as small as a smile can make a big difference in living out God's message. We were lucky that Fr Michael joined us for this Collective Worship and he blessed both us and our seeds. We are looking forward to watching them grow, being responsible for them as we are responsible for our faith. 

Rosary Competition 


To celebrate October being a very special time where we focus on the Rosary, the children were asked to design and create their own Rosaries as part of a whole school competition. The children made a fantastic effort and we received so many amazing entries. It was a very difficult decision picking just one winner for each year group! 

The winning Rosaries were:

Year 3 - Daria (3S)

Year 4 - Sara (4F)

Year 5 - Lily (5I)

Year 6 - Holly (6L)

A massive congratulations to these children and a big thank you to all of the children who took part! The winners will receive a certificate and a statue of Mary in next week's assembly. 

Our Winners!

Display in Prayer Room

November: The Month of the Holy Souls


As November is a month of remembrance, children were given the opportunity to write their intentions which have been added to a prayer book, presented in the front office. The book provides a safe space for children to write their reflections and intentions.

November: The Month of the Holy Souls


To mark this special month, 6L presented the school with a very moving assembly about Remembrance Day and members of our School Council have been selling poppies in the playground.

A Special Visitor to our Parish!

The choir sang at mass on Sunday in the presence of Bishop John Sherrington as he visited the parish. We did a super job and all the parishioners were so impressed! Bishop John visited the choir in the loft and gave us a special blessing.

Father Michael Visits Year 6!


Year 6 were very lucky to have a very special visitor to their classrooms - Father Michael. As part of their current RE Topic on Vocation and Commitment, Father Michael was interviewed by the children to discuss why he chose to be a priest, how he was called, what his training was like and what his day to day life as a priest entails. The children really enjoyed this visit and learnt a lot about what it is like to be a priest. A big thank you to Father Michael for taking the time to be interviewed by the children.



Year 3 - Baptism Re-enactment


Year 3 visited the church and witnessed the re-enactment of a baptism. The children watched Fr Michael welcome the baby into the church's family, blessing the baby with the oils, baptising her with the water, lighting the candle, placing the baby in a white shawl and praying over the child. They learnt about what all of these stages of a baptism mean.  Fr Michael spoke to the children about how this is a Sacrament of Initiation and that the rituals that happen at a baptism have been taught to us by Jesus. The children asked questions about the Sacrament and understood that baptism is the beginning of our Catholic journey and the growth of our faith. 

October is the month of The Rosary. Mrs Foley is running a special lunchtime prayer club. As well as this, every year group is focusing on a different mystery during their prayer and liturgy times.

Mini Vinnie Chaplaincy Team

Commissioning Ceremony


On Tuesday 8th October, Year 4 had their year group Mass in the Church and were joined by Year 2 from the Infant school. During this Mass, Father Michael commissioned the Mini Vinnies from the Infant and Junior School where he spoke to them about the important task they are taking on and the children made their pledge. This was a very special moment for the children and they are very excited for the important role they now have. 

CAFOD Family Fast Day. We participated in this event by forgoing our Friday pudding and just had fruit and yogurt instead.

Harvest Festival


On Thursday 3rd October, 4F hosted our annual Harvest Festival assembly. The children did a fantastic job explaining to all of the children the importance of this festival and how we are celebrating this year. We were very lucky to welcome Gerry from Ashford Place to receive our Harvest donation and she spent some time speaking with the children about the importance of our donation and all of the amazing work they do to help those in need. The children will also celebrate Harvest by having an own clothes day with a £1 donation to give to CAFOD's Family Fast Day. Well done and thank you to all of the children and their parents/carers for so many donations!

Mini Vinnie Chaplaincy Team 2024-2025


A big congratulations to our newly appointed members of the OLOG Mini Vinnie Chaplaincy Team!


Year 3 – Sean, Ella, Desi, Oisin.

Year 4 – Rex, Eliza, Elijah, Alice.

Year 5 – Niall, Blessing, Anna, Rylan.

Year 6 – Ivy P, Noah, Sylvester, Chloe.

Our new Year 3 pupils received their bibles in assembly. These are a gift from the school to start their journey in OLOG Juniors and begin our reading spine. Fr Michael had blessed them in a service led by the Mini Vinnies.

Year 6 Leavers Mass: Staff, families and pupils celebrated a lovely mass to say farewell to our current Year 6 classes.

Year 5 and Year 2 buddies prepare for transition from OLOG Infants to OLOG Juniors by sharing Collective Worship. They prayed together and thought about how they can continue their stewardship of God’s earth together in September.

Mini Vinnies Chaplaincy Team: The MVCT visited The Rose Chapel and prayed with Sr Raymunda. We had a lovely time!

Mr. McGrath and pupils attended the Brent Deanery Mass to represent our school.

Year 6 joined our family of schools, The All Saints’ Trust, to celebrate a mass in The Church of English Martyrs, for all leavers.

Be Spirited Week 2024: Pupils took part in BeSpirited Week, engaging in a range of Liturgy and Worship activities - an opportunity to truly connect with God.

Our Lady of Grace Day 2024

Month of May Rosary Club

Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 – My Voices Matter: This year, the theme for Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘My Voice Matters’. This week, pupils learnt all about the importance of connecting with others and themselves, taking time to understand and reflect on changing emotions.

Catholic Children's Society - Lenten Appeal 2024


Make your voices heard!


This year’s appeal is inspired by Pope Francis’s call for young people to use their voice to make a difference in the world. Every penny raised by your school will support our work with local disadvantaged children and families.


Pupils will be given Lenten Appeal collection boxes to collect spare change in order to raise money for the CCS. We hope you will be able to support us - every penny counts!


There are also some resources and links provided by the Diocese of Westminster which families can interact with at home in preparation for Easter which can be found under 'Parents and Carers'.


Holy Week 2024


This year, we observed Maundy Thursday at school through a Liturgy led by the Mini Vinnies. The Mini Vinnies worked hard to prepare a liturgy based on the events of Holy Week and re-enacting some of these events in preperation for Easter. This has built on pupils learning about Holy Week in RE lessons.

RE Resources for Holy Week:
