
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

After school clubs will begin week starting 9th September. School has now resumed for the autumn term. Early Bird Club is open each day at 7.45am. Gates will open at 8.30am for the bell at 8.45am.

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R.E. News

Year 6 Leavers Mass: Staff, families and pupils celebrated a lovely mass to say farewell to our current Year 6 classes.

Year 5 and Year 2 buddies prepare for transition from OLOG Infants to OLOG Juniors by sharing Collective Worship. They prayed together and thought about how they can continue their stewardship of God’s earth together in September.

Mini Vinnies Chaplaincy Team: The MVCT visited The Rose Chapel and prayed with Sr Raymunda. We had a lovely time!

Mr. McGrath and pupils attended the Brent Deanery Mass to represent our school.

Year 6 joined our family of schools, The All Saints’ Trust, to celebrate a mass in The Church of English Martyrs, for all leavers.

Be Spirited Week 2024: Pupils took part in BeSpirited Week, engaging in a range of Liturgy and Worship activities - an opportunity to truly connect with God.

Our Lady of Grace Day 2024

Month of May Rosary Club

Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 – My Voices Matter: This year, the theme for Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘My Voice Matters’. This week, pupils learnt all about the importance of connecting with others and themselves, taking time to understand and reflect on changing emotions.

Catholic Children's Society - Lenten Appeal 2024


Make your voices heard!


This year’s appeal is inspired by Pope Francis’s call for young people to use their voice to make a difference in the world. Every penny raised by your school will support our work with local disadvantaged children and families.


Pupils will be given Lenten Appeal collection boxes to collect spare change in order to raise money for the CCS. We hope you will be able to support us - every penny counts!


There are also some resources and links provided by the Diocese of Westminster which families can interact with at home in preparation for Easter which can be found under 'Parents and Carers'.


Holy Week 2024


This year, we observed Maundy Thursday at school through a Liturgy led by the Mini Vinnies. The Mini Vinnies worked hard to prepare a liturgy based on the events of Holy Week and re-enacting some of these events in preperation for Easter. This has built on pupils learning about Holy Week in RE lessons.

RE Resources for Holy Week:

November: The Month of the Holy Souls

As November is a month of remembrance, children were given the opportunity to write their intentions which have been added to a prayer book, presented in the front office. The book provides a safe space for children to write their reflections and intentions.
