
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Newsletter 8 is now available to read on the website. The governors welcome your views on the proposed uniform changes by replying to

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Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

RSE at OLOG Juniors


From September 2020, it has been a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales are teaching Relationship and Sex Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum. 


As a school we have completed two consultations, one was initially held when the requirement became legal and the most recent one which was held from March to May 2024 due to further development in resources.   


We are continuing to use the Westminster Diocese accredited Ten Ten resources ‘Life to the Full Plus’ programme. This is the programme we have been using since 2020. The parental portal will give you full access to the work and resources used for the children. The direct link, login and password for this were e-mailed to all parents with the consultation letter. As the consultation is now closed, you are welcome to  contact the school office who will be happy to help you should you wish to view these materials. 



Please find below the schools policy for Relationship and Sex Education as well as the Curriculum Outline:
