Religious Education Curriculum
A variety of different topics based around The Liturgical Year are taught through the 'Come and See' RE programme. The programme of study, written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors, follows the Diocesan Curriculum Directory. The material provided within Come and See allows children to explore the teachings of the Catholic Church through the use of age appropriate resources and activities. At the heart of the programme is the mystery of God’s self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ. Come and See gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition.
Pupil achievement is assessed regularly through rigorous teacher assessment which is both formative and summative. Targets and feedback questions are identified to push for next steps and pupils' attainment is recorded on our assessment tracking system with results being broadly in line with our achievements in English.
Religious Education continues to be of the highest priority in this school as we seek to improve its delivery and implement the revised Religious Education Directory. More details about the teaching of RE can be found under 'Our Mission' tab within the RE Policy.
The Come and See Programme
Our Curriculum on Display: Autumn 24
The children have been working extremely hard in each year group in their RE lessons and have just began their second RE topic of the Autumn term. They have created beautiful pieces of work so far which they are proudly displaying in their classrooms.
Assessment within Religious Education
Pupils are assessed as an ongoing formative process and they also have a written assessment once a term which is measured against age related expectations. Themes covered are the church, the liturgical year and the sacraments.