
Out Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

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Our Lady of Grace Day

Our Lady of Grace Day


In May, we celebrated Our Lady of Grace Day. This is a very special day where we celebrate the many graces and blessings of our patron saint, St.Mary. As always, we joined with our Infant School to celebrate a beautiful liturgy. It began with special whole RE lessons about the life and legacy of Mary. After this, there was a whole-school procession to the Infant School, where the liturgy was celebrated. This involved beautiful prayers written by the children and we prayed the rosary together as well as singing traditional Marian hymns. Many children had brought their rosaries from home. Leanne, Year 6 pupil, had the honour of crowning Our Blessed Mother as Queen of the May.
Following this, the afternoon was filled with Art and Craft activities based on the theme of Our Lady. All of the children and staff had a fantastic day. 

OLOG Day Art
